Hi guys. While going through the messages in my contact form, I noticed two questions popping up frequently. I’m going to answer them here instead of replying to each individual question.
When will The Nameless City 3 be published? The title of the third Nameless City book is The Divided Earth and it will be published by First Second books on September 25th, 2018! I’m thrilled that readers are excited about the series, and are anxious to read the third book. And to answer another question: The Divided Earth marks the end of this trilogy and the conclusion of Kai and Rat’s story. The series was always planned as a trilogy that would finish with book 3, so there are no further books planned.
I can’t access your old webcomic Demonology 101. Will you be putting it back online? Demonology 101 is 18 years old at this point. I started drawing it in 1999 when I was a teenager. It used to be hosted on another website, but now that host, who very generously provided space for this comic for years without charging me money, has decided to take that site down. So, D101 has passed on into the internet either. As of now, I have no plans to bring it back. I feel like 18 years is long enough for a webcomic to exist on the internet, and I’ve received many wonderful comments from people who have enjoyed reading it. And … well, I feel like it’s just time to let it go. <:)
And now my big announcement! I have been hired by Dark Horse Comics to continue writing the Avatar: The Last Airbender comic book series! Here’s the press release. I’m going to be taking the reins over from Gene Yang, who is a fantastic writer and a friend, and continuing the adventures of Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and the rest of the Avatar crew. The books will be drawn by an artist I’m a big fan of, Peter Wartman. Not yet sure when the first book (we’re initially doing 3 volumes) will be published. I’ll announce that when I have more info.
The second announcement is the next graphic novel that I’ll be drawing: I’m drawing a comic called Pumpkinheads, written by the amazing author Rainbow Rowell (Eleanor & Park, Fangirl). I’m a huge fan of Rainbow’s work, and getting the chance to work with her is a dream come true. Currently Pumpkinheads is slated for publication in 2019, and you can read the press release about it here.
And that’s it! Thanks everyone.