I’ll be at 3 comic conventions/book festivals over the next couple weeks, and then that’s it for me until next year! Whew, 2016 has been quite a year for travel. *_*
Massachusetts Independent Comic Expo (MICE)
October 29-30, Cambridge, MA
Exhibitor (Atrium), table #A31
I’ll have copies of most of my books for sale. Unfortunately I’m not able to offer a credit card reader, so please bring cash if you would like to buy something. 
Friday, October 28th, 7-9pm
MICE Kick-off Party, Hub Comics
Saturday, October 29th, 4-5pm
Live Drawing Demo
Cartoonariam (Located on the Eisner Level)
Sunday, October 30th, 1-2pm
Panel, Developing the Independent Graphic Novel
Lecture Hall
Thought Bubble
November 5-6th, Leeds, England
Exhibitor, Royal Armories Hall, table #26
I’ll have copies of The Nameless City for sale. I’ll also have a signing with First Second (New Dock Hall, table 165B) on Sunday. They will have copies of my other books available. I’m happy to sign any books bought from First Second at the show (or any books you’ve brought yourself). 
Saturday, November 5th, 3:10-4pm
Panel, Comics for Everyone
Newsroom, Royal Armories (Forth Floor)
Sunday, November 6th
Signing, First Second Books,
2pm, New Dock Hall, table 165B
Panel, #Artcred
Newsroom, Royal Armories (Forth Floor)
Monday, November 7th
Signing at Gosh! Comics, 6-7pm
London, England
Miami Book Fair
November 18-19th, Miami, FL
November 18th
Comics Presentation, RSVP required (click to RSVP)
Room 3314, Building 3, 3rd floor
November 19th
Panel, Brave New Worlds: Building Comic Universes
MAGIC Screening Room (Building 8, 1st Floor)
Panel, Adventure is Around the Corner
Wembly Wordsmith’s Storytoriam (in Children’s Alley)
Panel, Unlocking Secret Histories
Wembly Wordsmith’s Storytoriam (in Children’s Alley)
And that’s it! Hope to see people at these conventions!